Meet Up
26. Sept. 2022
10 engineers meet at the studio to share wisdom and compare different mixes of the same track
Tricone‘s Engineer‘s Meetup #1 was an amazing experience, way beyond our expectations. 12 engineers/producers got together at Tricone to share visions and experiences and get to know each other‘s work.
We did the following experiment: 9 engineers mixed the same song at their personal studios, and we compared the results. The results were eye opening for everyone. They were SO DIFFERENT. Some had kick and snare up front, other guitars. Some reinterpreted the track completely and cut and pasted elements/ muted arrangements, other respected the original recording. The overall eq curve of the mix varied greatly as well as the dynamics. Some mixes were in the box, some analog. Great results were achieved with totally different approaches.
Puting the work in perspective is the hardest part of the job and the most important skill to develop. We will continue favouring this mindset and will repeat this experiment regularly.
The cherry on top was that we could then mix the same track together on the @thisisapiaudio 1608 II, using outboard by @maagaudio, @tkaudio.se, @shadowhillsindustries and @chandlerlimited. Super fun times! Monitoring alternated between @dutch_and_dutch and @psiaudio. The music was recorded by @francis_stuart_m at Tricone using the mentioned gear as well as @soyuzmicrophones and @stagermicrophones.
Thanks to @yunni_music for such a great track and performace, perfect for an event like this.
Stay tuned for Engineer‘s meetup #2!